Call for Contributions

The surveys conducted by INSEE and INED, "Trajectoires et Origins 1 and 2," highlighted, a decade apart(2008-2009 and 2019-2020), the unique characteristics of individuals from Turkey in France (244,000 immigrants recorded by INSEE in 2020 and 320,000 descendants of Turkish immigrants in 2021). In particular, they emphasise the perpetuation of transnational practices (dual nationality, movements between the two countries, sustained interest in the political life of the country of origin, etc.) and endogamous practices (marriage and transmission of language). While in recent years in France there has been a renewed interest in Turkish migrations around issues such as the politicisation of the diaspora, the transformations of Turkish political Islam, economic crises, or new forms of exile and elite migrations, current research remains relatively scattered and unevenly distributed across disciplines. Moreover, they are often compartmentalised according to the cultural and/or religious affiliations of the immigrants, affiliations that we aim to question and bring into dialogue at this symposium.

"Migrations from Turkey" must be understood here in all their diversity and situated within the singularity of the European and Middle Eastern contexts that shape them. From a comparative perspective, the particularities of France can be examined in the light of the situations observed in other countries of Turkish immigration, whether located in the North or the South. Comparisons may also focus on the similarities and differences observed in the analysis of other migrant origins, notably countries in the Maghreb. Finally, particular attention will be given to the analysis of places and territories linked to Turkish migrations in France. This will encompass the geographical evolution of their distribution, the analysis of identities and territorial affiliations, the consideration of issues of segregation and social and cultural diversity, the examination of the role of public policies at different levels, the highlighting of economic and commercial dynamics, or the reflection on the issues of memory and cultural heritage in territories.

The objective of this symposium is to strengthen interdisciplinary dialogue based on ongoing research, whether conducted in anthropology, demography, economics, geography, history, linguistic, literature, sociology, or political science. It will thus encourage the renewal of research on sometimes neglected topics. Young researchers will be particularly welcome to present their current thesis and their most recent research findings. A dialogue will also be established between academia and literary and artistic forms of expression relating to immigration from Turkey.

Submission Guidelines

The symposium will take place in Paris and Aubervilliers on January 20 and 21, 2025. Details of the venue will be sent at a later date.

Proposals must be submitted by 15 September 2024. They will be evaluated by an interdisciplinary scientific committee.

Proposals should be sent, in French or English, in the form of an abstract (maximum 3000 characters including spaces), together with a short academic biography (maximum one page to be submitted in pdf format).

To submit a proposal, first create an account on the 'Sciencesconf' platform , then click on 'Submission' (top left).

If you have any questions, please write to the symposium address (or @contact).


Organising Committee

Ségolène Débarre, University Paris 1 - Panthéon - Sorbonne

Didem Danış, Galatasaray University, Istanbul

Gabrielle Angey, Paris Dauphine University PSL

Alexandre Toumarkine, Inalco, Paris


Scientific Committee

Samim Akgönül, University of Strasbourg

Nicolas Elias, Inalco, Paris

Işıl Erdinç, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Olivier Grojean, University Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne

Sophie Hohmann, Inalco, Paris

Elise Massicard, SciencesPo Paris

Timour Muhidine, Inalco, Paris

Camille Schmoll, EHESS, Paris

Célio Sierra-Paycha, Université Paris 1- Panthéon Sorbonne

Stéphane de Tapia, Université de Strasbourg

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